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Legal Services

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Alternative dispute resolution is designed to help parties involved in legal disputes reach a mutually agreeable resolution without the need for litigation. Our experienced attorneys will work with both parties to identify the issues in dispute and facilitate negotiations to reach a resolution. We strive to minimize costs and time involved in the process, while ensuring that the best interests of our clients are represented.

Litigation Consulting

Litigation consulting typically involves analyzing legal and factual issues related to a case, assessing potential strengths and weaknesses of each party's position, and developing strategies for discovery, motion practice, and trial.  Our practice includes observing mock trials or mock oral arguments on summary judgment or other major motions as well as expert advising on United States laws in international legal disputes pending in foreign courts.  Our mock trial practice includes analyzing the legal issues, briefs, expert witnesses, demonstratives and attorney arguments.  As litigation consultants on foreign litigations, we assist clients with analyzing United States federal and state laws, including civil procedure.   


Litigation consultants may also provide support for settlement negotiations, including conducting settlement analyses and helping to structure favorable settlement terms.


We help clients as they navigate the complex, challenging terrain of civil litigation and provide them with experienced, neutral perspectives on the issues they need to address to achieve their legal objectives.

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